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Wednesday 26 September 2012

Places in PEI where you might see a Minwing

There are so many places in Prince Edward Island where you might see a Minwing! Toadstools or wild mushrooms are very often frequented by these tiny fairy-like creatures. The colourful ones are their favourite.

Lady Slipper plants are a true treasure in the PEI woodland. They must never be picked or dug up for they will never grow back.  Minwings are in awe of their magical qualities and many a celebration takes place in the vicinity of lady slippers.

          Minwings have many uses for dried pine needles. They use them to start a fire to cook over and sometimes weave them into small baskets.  The young Minwings, called nimmits have great fun playing among the needles. They like to burrow under them to hide from each other. Be careful when you walk through a pine forest. You wouldn't want to step on a nimmit!

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